Jenny K Gilman

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Branching Dialogue: "Anna Hepplewhite."

Anna Hepplewhite is a victim of domestic abuse. She suffers as she tries to decide whether to stay and love the man she promised to love, even with all of his faults, or leave and possibly save her life. Her choices are never made lightly and often, confusion shrouds an intelligent decision, for her husband sincerely loves her but cannot control his temper.

This conflict is why there is a cycle of abuse. It is a stark reality for many women and men, and this game serves as a lesson to those who do not understand the trap that perhaps a friend, a family member, a co-worker or a neighbor falls into and cannot easily escape.

Branching Dialogue for "Anna Hepplewhite."

A word about this piece from the author:

Anna Hepplewhite is a branching dialogue game that I created for my Master's class, "Writing for Games." If you have the application "Twine" downloaded on your computer, you may be able to play along. Here is the link: Anna Hepplewhite.